=0A =0A The lumpen=
=0A (number five is alive)=0A
=0A 1.Menwith hill listens=0A nationally to all phone calls throughout europe=0A (e-mai=
ls and faxes too!) 2.The townhall bunkers watch=0A lo=
cally and special branch 'spins'the mail 3.Cyber sex initiatives=0A are bei=
ng expanded to take over all tactile functions you perform=0A =
and 4.Your spending habits (your tastes) are logged by credit=0A and=
market research companies, creating virtual identities on floppy discs=0A =
(pending personality characterization).With the advent of=0A =
both D.N.A. profiling and i.d. cards being used as tracking devices (in lie=
u=0A of digital tagging) and everyday genetic capabilities (foods,animals a=
nd=0A children) being available in marketable ,identikit form surely the ti=
me has=0A come for some sort of action,intervention and ultimately re=
sistance.=0A As the technological prosthetics programme for humans (=
T.P.P.H.) goes=0A unchecked the continuing state exp=
ansionism and=0A colonization of all levels of existence has trangressesd t=
he classical models=0A of imperialism which traditionally have sought to co=
nquer and occupy territories=0A establishing 'physical' links between lands=
(via economic and civil coercion=0A alongside brute force).The motivation =
however remains the same even if the=0A spatial dimension differs -psycho/s=
ocial cyberspace-.The domination of=0A (a)resources (imagination) and=
(b) the exploitation of markets (perceptual)=0A is once again the true dri=
ving force of the 'state cyborg replacement=0A project'(S.C.R.P.) which wil=
l eventually own,manufacture,distribute and exchange=0A all experiential ph=
enomena available to you the consumer.We should not be=0A diverted by such =
distractions as to whether life is real or faked but instead=0A concern our=
selves daily with how and who it is controlled by.Count the sense=0A functi=
ons appropriated thus far ! for they are there as prophesied ! on horseback=
=0A ! as the epoch-alypse beckons what hope ? what joy ? As the millennium =
dawns=0A and dictatorial enslavement increases its dominion to what and whe=
re can=0A we turn ?.....But wait !.....there is one weakness !......one omi=
ssion=0A !......"ACHILLES" !?!?......"HEAL" ! 5.OLFACTORY=
nihilism=0A is proposed as the radical usurpation of totalitarian powe=
r.But time is short,the=0A basic pre-requisites and behavioral principles a=
re already in place and are=0A currently being advanced by government labor=
atories and corporate scientists=0A who are beginning to harness the electr=
ical impulses of the neuro-sinal=0A synapse.The secret states psychologists=
have produced reports charting the=0A long and short term effects of a ran=
ge of subliminal manipulation techniques=0A to compliment other 'sensory we=
apons' (sonic audio light and white noise)=0A and they intend to develop '5=
th sense'hallucinatory capabilities,via complex=0A cognitive associations t=
hat impact on populations and perceived enemies of=0A the state.Response ti=
mes and reflex patterns are already circulating world=0A wide on the intern=
et,and when one considers the groundwork established as=0A part of cold war=
detente,the prospect for the total supersession of humanity=0A is closer t=
han one may initially imagine.After WW11 and the consumer spending=0A booms=
that followed,'smell for smell'replacement became an intimate=0A pre-occup=
ation for 'individuals'within western civilizations (pubescent rites=0A of =
passage rituals proving the most expedient for thought implantations and=0A =
social conditioning).The self image stereotyping and standardization of=0A =
acceptable levels of '5th sense' output have today been integrated wholesal=
e=0A to all but a few non-conformists.Since the collapse of the soviet econ=
omic=0A block the marketing of new age therapies and ecological capitalism =
have vaunted=0A '5th sense' superiority as a convenient and fashionable dis=
traction from=0A both T.P.P.H. and S.C.R.P.initiatives (body shops and vari=
ous 'aroma' therapies)=0A what with cultural forays into scratch and sniff =
for children=0A alongside chic designer fragrances and periodicals for=
bigger=0A children,the time is more than ripe for &nb=
sp;an upper=0A respiratory refusal and resistance, in fact it has never bee=
n more necessary=0A if we are to counter the bureaucracies authoritar=
ian concentration=0A of power.Direct action in an odorless milieu diffuses,=
short circuits and=0A disorientates (as with flotation experience) the basi=
c assumptions required=0A to convince the virtual individual to willi=
ngly participate in their=0A own alienation,oppression and confinement -it =
will also buy time for the=0A formation of revolutionary praxis synthesised=
from a sixth sense born of=0A confusion- In the absence of categorical dis=
tinctions within the '5th element'=0A (yes ! popular culture once more ente=
ring the fray) all knowledge and=0A anti-knowledge is at once reconciled an=
d the boundaries of compromise and=0A consolation are illiminated.The pract=
ice of transforming abstraction into=0A action through a continual process =
of disengagement,whilst subjectively=0A interacting with a combination of p=
rinciples and beliefs,needs to be taken=0A back into the revolutionary move=
ment.For too long now,cynicism and ironic=0A fatalism -couched in kitsch- h=
as replaced a concrete analysis of tertiary=0A marginalisation.We must lear=
n to unite in opposition to one another if we=0A are to use 'paradox and po=
ssibility' to their maximum effect.Beliefs whilst=0A having the power to st=
ructure reality,do discriminate,and as such should=0A be appropriated and d=
iscarded without con-science.At the end of the day it=0A simply an issue of=
power,discourse,perception and will.=0A
=0ABulletin of the lumpen illuminates ("imitating the forms of aliena=
tion=0Ainstead of colluding with the spectacle of their supersession") .1.99=
=0A Subjugates ! It=
is with great pleasure and pride that=0A we are able to bring you this his=
toric report from our 31st conference (fortress=0A centre 'Oranianbaum' 4.9=
9) which as many of you will already know is being=0A heralded as the most =
significant in our entire ten year organizational=0A existence.The gravity =
of its implications are already becoming clear and=0A those who attended ar=
e fondly refering to it as the virtual 'year zero' for=0A lumpen illuminate=
s across the globe.Delegates from the diverse and vast range=0A of the medi=
cal arts participated in the formulation of a radical new programme=0A afte=
r a thorough and exhaustive examination of the 'transitional programmes'=0A =
strengths and weaknesses (bulletin of the L.I. 1.99 ) and=0A=
whilst its previous emphases were seen as relevant to the historical=0A c=
ircumstances of that time,it was agreed that the productive and assimilative=
=0A capabilities of a voracious state capitalism had necessitated a 'develo=
pment=0A ' of 'Huges' initial tracts -written over thirty years ago- as eve=
n he could=0A not have forseen the speed of technological development in th=
e chemo-sensory=0A industry that has wreaked such havoc with its 'smell to =
sell'experiments=0A currently being tested on the populace without any cons=
ultation or consideration=0A of the potential long term effects (possible p=
sychosis and hallucinatory=0A delusions ).Our attendant contextualised 'add=
ition' to analysis will obviously=0A require clarification in theory and pr=
actice over the coming months and years,but=0A we are clear to point out to=
the few at conference -whose=0A influence is obvious=
ly disproportionate to their size- that the new=0A 'continuations' and 'com=
pliments' to ideological primacy are neither substitutes=0A nor counterposi=
tions and as such do not represent the revisionism they=0A proclaim.The 'te=
chniques' and essential 'modernizations' are in fact crucial=0A to the surv=
ival and development of our platform if we are ever to become=0A a mass mov=
ement with popular appeal and popular participation.Alongside this,the=0A e=
ffective collapse of any meaningful opposition since the degeneration and=0A=
demise of the 'chelsea' deviationists redundant appeals to parliamentary=
=0A democracy -which had long established its attacks on the welfare state =
(i.e.)=0A making any notion of state sponsored surgery 'dead in the water '=
- in turn=0A forced the issue of extra-parliamentary / direct action to &nb=
sp;to become=0A the most significant challenge 'one world' profiteering has=
recently had=0A to face.So can we please reassure our doubters once and fo=
r all ,that the=0A rudiments of explorative science form the basis of ALL o=
ur conclusions and=0A we remain opposed to any and all forms of collaborati=
on with and capitulation=0A to limited and reactionary ventures replete wit=
h their undermining spectacle=0A of reform.We feel confident that this reaf=
firmation alongside the irreversible=0A 'qualitive' shift proposed below,am=
ply demonstrates and enshrines the fundamental=0A principles of body =
modification which has guided us faithfully through=0A the years.We hope th=
e following excerpts from congress will demonstrate this=0A and look forwar=
d to receiving feedback from the membership in due course=0A ..... =
(1) Delegates believed that whilst guerilla actions=0A in localities=
served to popularize the 'transitional programme' amongst the=0A 'yoof' th=
ey had also been of limited value generally as they tended to reinforce=0A =
only short term solutions to the establishments sensory supersession and=0A =
(2) whilst they demonstrated pro-active resistance and sabotage such=0A co=
nspicuously tokenistic and temporary reclamations (piercing,pegging and=0A =
packing alongside inversion headstands and floral hit squads) simply served=
=0A to emphasise the powerlessness people feel in relation to the continual=
barrage=0A of nasal manipulation we all suffer on a daily basis. (3=
)=0A Such impermanent gimmicks provide only a glimpse of the ecstat=
ic states that=0A await us and only a total negation into an odorless reali=
ty will suffice,so=0A if it is not to much of an insult to our dearly depar=
ted comrades ...."the=0A transient effects experienced thus far by our orga=
nisation have merely been=0A a small taste and glimpse of &nb=
sp;the sounds our=0A minds are potentially able to tou=
ch upon,within our final doctrine".=0A (4) The executive would also tak=
e pains to point out that with reduced=0A opportunities and prospects c/o t=
he crisis in the N.H.S. even the munchausian=0A /intrasal sinus option is n=
o longer available. However the foundations laid=0A in the exemplary sponta=
neous uprising in S.W.London on the 12.3.99. has shown=0A the way forward a=
nd merits further debate and discussion on how to actuate=0A new memes into=
branch life.(5a)Apart from distributing the usual historical=0A data (late=
stone age through Ensisheim / Hippocrates / Pergamon / 'Razi et=0A al incl=
uding the ever popular Davinci breaches of church bans and more recent=0A K=
isi activities) the S.W.adepts detailed (5b) basic cell stimulation and=0A =
free nerve/nasal patch links to the brain. (5c)They were also unequiv=
ocal=0A in their condemnation of the unprincipled,politically motiv=
ated=0A misrepresentation and appropriation of civilizations pre-conscious =
history,along=0A with its current day paternalism witnessed in the conceite=
d and sanctimonious=0A celebrities on their "we've done our bit ,now its up=
to you" unofficial,=0A a-historical 'Red nose day' .These 'capitalist -rel=
ief 'centrists neither=0A know nor care for the origins of their dismembere=
d bulbous sign -though such=0A signifiers are strangely in keeping with the=
ir predecessors farcical mediation=0A and role play as 'shaman-conductors' =
providing spiritual justification (by=0A all manner of clowning ) for the n=
ewly instituted social relations (actualising=0A subordination,hierarchy an=
d control into subconscious beliefs and=0A values) leading t=
o such bizarre notions of symbolic experience=0A and culture which oppress =
us to this day (the ancient power play in cave-dear=0A daubings have a dire=
ct parallel in the Rudolph myth also) - All this made=0A (5d) the counter d=
emonstration that occurred on the 12th of the 3rd even=0A more fittin=
g and its inspiration informs the central plank of the memberships=0A new r=
esponsibilities.The rapture recorded photographically and also the S.W.=0A =
comrades subsequent admission papers to hospital are now formal records with=
in=0A our archive,showing a dedicated and devout number as they proceeded t=
o=0A 'self-deviate'their own septums and thus achieve the up until now drea=
mscape=0A desire of 'OLFACTORY NIHILISM' (previously only enjoyed by a sele=
ct few who=0A had induced the final 'apo-polyps' and of course by a certain=
t.v. chef ,=0A who can neither smell nor taste the delicacies he enthusias=
tically swoons=0A over ) .... Now we will no longer have to wait till=
we are 60 years=0A old !..Nor fantasize about head injuries ! for it is no=
w and only now that=0A we can soar in unmediated experience marching forwar=
d,backward and disorientated=0A without the 100 fag a day dampening of our =
most revered of senses !For we=0A want to remember a world of primary sensa=
tion and recall the fragrant ether=0A above the mind-body precipice ! We wa=
nt to go forth to short circuit the=0A conditioned responses of our brains =
!With eyes blackened ! and splints on=0A our brows ! with perceptions=
heightened ! and egoism suppressed !,whether=0A carapaced or not our imagi=
nations will live and the neglected 10th's revive=0A ! still a pro-hole pol=
emic ! we implore you to SMASH YOUR BRIDGES=0A AND BURN ! Im=
maculate brothers and sisters of the 'brain-blood volume'=0A orthodoxy,come=
look ! hear ! see ! touch ! and smell ! once again ! a life=0A beyond your=
'bio- medical highs'! come join us and join us now ! before its=0A to late=
! lose your sense of smell ! BEFORE IT IS TAKEN ! for DEVIATION IS=0A THE =
=0A=0ABulletin of the lu=
mpen illuminates ,'unconcerned with the past and=0Adissolving the present in=
to being /non-being there is only a future=0Ain negation'=0A
=0A G8 : =
After a fabulous and farcical 'Debt Wish'concert in mid=0A ' 9=
9 amply demonstrated the reactionary role of=0A parliamentary democ=
racy in containing opposition and absorbing dissent via=0A its co-opted sto=
olies in the sychophantic entertainment industry (pleading=0A their reformi=
st collaboration and rallying to the governments call) we the=0A lumpen ill=
uminates are now launching our appeal to all officially endorsed=0A sad and=
selfless altruists,in the hope that they will re-evaluate and reconsider=0A=
the harm they do during their regular 'by proxy'saviour routine.We implore=
=0A them - and you too -to join us in our compassionate crusade to abolish =
the=0A establishments jaded and bloody ball of manipulated false consciousn=
ess commonly=0A known as 'red nose day'.The measly concession heralded at G=
8 - a similar=0A % to an agents commission - was decided lon=
g before Blairs=0A P.R. department and his celebrity surfers had any notion=
of drawing us into=0A opportunistic and 'worthy' posturing at 'debt wish' =
(though its timing was=0A fortuitous for one performers career re-launch we=
eks later,replete with his=0A mock grimace and 'sincere'stare to camera as =
he and his rabble became ' serious=0A ' for us once again) :CHARITIES=0A WATCHDOG:The lumpen illumi=
nates have been examining 'spectacular'=0A relief projects that claim to pr=
event 'senseless' deaths because the=0A misinformation and obvious bias the=
y detail is in clear contradiction to=0A our thesis of sensory supersession=
( L.I.1 & 2 ).We are clear to point=0A out that all underlying dynamic=
s and practical imperatives remain unresolved=0A and that people are still =
dying everyday (in fact death rates are increasing=0A )and as long as 'surv=
ival' is not an option,it remains our task to expose=0A glimpses and sparks=
of life wherever they can be located in a people targeted=0A endlessly by =
the mechanisms of control.To do this we urgently need your=0A help fo=
cussing on the following areas of priority.=0A (=
1) INJECTION /VACCINATION PROGRAMMES :Obviously the need to=0A vaccin=
ate against distortion and mythrepresentation by existing political=0A stru=
ctures and vested interests that promote psychic dependence along with=0A p=
hysical exploitation - the direct causes of survival sickness - must be=0A =
tackled head on .It is vital we prevent the flagrant projection of desires=
=0A for resurrection onto purposely underdeveloped peoples,as this lack of =
self=0A awareness -shackled and nurtured by guilt -is a significant obstacl=
e to self=0A actualisation and as long as consumers continue to subli=
mate in defeatist=0A rationalizations,pouring their repressed feelings into=
secondary and tertiary=0A realms -allowing all manner of placebo spi=
rit guides to lead us through=0A alienated thoughts and frustrations -we wi=
ll always remain prone to hostile=0A infections,ideologies and fetishes fro=
m parasitical substitutes and virulent=0A anti-bodies already present in th=
e system.This relinquishing of responsibility=0A and its endless embrace of=
knee jerk quick fixes,allows the shameless=0A entrepreneurs to introduce t=
heir feverish memes into our brains=0A which then gradually but=
devisivley begin to overwhelm and exploit our=0A weaknesses,paving the way=
for a complete negation of the subject-object=0A relationship.We desperate=
ly need to start tackling infections at source,fighting=0A the causes inste=
ad of the symptoms of death so we are better equipped when=0A destroying an=
d creating in the future.PLEASE , PLEASE , PLEASE=0A help us=
stop the comedians and politicians before its too late.=0A =
(2) ESSENTIAL OPERATIONS AND TRANSPLANTS : These are desperately needed=0A =
to restore naval cavities devastated by one world,cross class (plastic and=
=0A spherical ) signifiers,which have obscured the left-right dialectical=
=0A relationship,without which no synthesis of capitalisms inherent contrad=
ictions=0A can be a achieved.We urgently need your help to remove the burde=
n of=0A entertainment,so that we are no longer obliged to clown with the im=
posed=0A and manufactured coping mechanisms handed down to us. (3)=0A EDUCATION : The cognitive territories and impressionable minds in=
vaded by=0A the mass hallucination of charity are effectively having their =
development=0A deliberately halted by the leisure industries market imperat=
ives and the=0A politics of celebrity.The so called aid projects have 'aide=
d' many careers=0A and whilst we can understand the reluctance of several c=
harity millionaires=0A to leave the paternalism and conceit of the mid 80's=
behind,their mint making=0A mentality should not automatically turn us all=
into capitals version of Orwells=0A proles (dependent on a small &nb=
sp;and dedicated group of professional=0A 'teachers' hoping to preserve the=
ir privileges).The discredited and not so=0A 'New' realism and the apologet=
ic platitudes it fostered and promoted should=0A no longer be included in s=
tratifying national curriculums,and any poor spelling=0A and understanding =
of dispersed and divisive social-isms amongst the new and=0A up and coming =
cronies,should be vigorously challenged and illiminated.=0A =
(4) FOOD STAPLES:As content is inherent within form ,the nutritional=0A val=
ue of repeatedly spoonfeeding 'syrup'to desperate people is worse than=0A w=
orthless and is not conducive when attempting to involve and empower isolate=
d=0A individuals in their own lives.The pathos,condescension and puerile du=
mbing=0A down,when combined with disengenious back slapping and flattery is=
too watery=0A a mixture to feed anyone wishing to sustain an ounce of dign=
ity and self=0A respect.The totality of such a 'past its sell by date' appr=
oach degrades=0A our lives, lowers expectations and feeds - only - cynicism=
.Dont be duped,demand=0A the impossible,remember ingested faeces kills and =
"any food that does=0A not contain the stimulus to activity is useles=
s". (5)BLOOD=0A SUPPLIES :These are basically none existent =
having been all but depleted=0A by the vampires of rebellion and protest,wh=
o greedily gorge upon our thwarted=0A attempts at reconciliation, so STOP D=
ONATING YOUR LIFES BLOOD ! without it=0A they will surely 'wither away 'and=
make room for all and any one of us to=0A administer our collective needs =
on a daily basis. DISINVEST NOW : The=0A cultural weaponry used by th=
e state obviously serves the dominant social=0A relations,but the frequent =
problem surrounding the diversion of our=0A 'funds'into the hands of =
ruthless gunmen and mercenaries serving the bureaucratic=0A elite must be c=
ounteracted,we must ensure that statist reactionary's and=0A naive wannabee=
's are no longer the main beneficiaries when focussing our=0A will against =
injustice.CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS in developed countries promote=0A the distrac=
tion of charity as exploitations 'alibi' -to avert attention focussing=0A u=
pon the need for consistent and coherent applications of internationalism=0A=
-by confusing their populations with a florid litany of cloaked events=0A =
encouraging us all 'to do our bit' but in fact they are deliberately hijack=
ing=0A the everyday attempts by ordinary people to make sense of their one =
dimensional=0A existenz.Fooled by the vain and smug self deceit afforded to=
them,whilst=0A reinforcing partisan philosophies of value and exchange (th=
e work ethic in=0A sponsored events and pay to view on stage and t.v.) leav=
es only the numbness=0A of self delusion,non achievement and a 'by -product=
' of INCIDENTAL amounts=0A of currency. However THE NEW THRE=
AT :faced by the famine business=0A and its franchise in the political and =
entertainment 'industries' is somewhat=0A severe.The extra-parliamentary an=
d direct action movements with their post=0A political power strategies and=
autonomous federative structures,when coupled=0A with the crisis of parlia=
mentary democracy (less than 50% voted in local=0A elections and only one i=
n four of us in euro-elections )has officially become=0A the existing syste=
ms 'nemesis'in waiting (post cold war and I.R.A. losses=0A for the in=
telligence services )as mainstream politics struggles to rationalize=0A its=
viability and relevance -clearly becoming increasingly remote and potential=
ly=0A obsolete - the ideological defences of a dying peoples political form=
are=0A desperate to undermine and usurp events like the 'stop the city' in=
tervention=0A as this was the only real opposition to the crippling debt in=
dightment capitalism=0A holds over its w.c.'s in underdeveloped countries.T=
he J18 configuration with=0A its broad and popular front against profiteeri=
ng,preceded the hapless and=0A hopeless 'debt wish' PROPAGANDA by mon=
ths in planning and this is what=0A was really meant when we were told 'deb=
t wish' was a "hastily arranged ,last=0A minute affair" (i.e.)they saw the =
window of opportunity for their eternal=0A positive facade and we clearly w=
ere not meant to see the cynical handling=0A when diverting attention into =
the parliamentary cul -de - sac and away from=0A the decisive and assertive=
support the carnival would have received .It is=0A power itself that must =
be challenged and broken,the enemy is 'within' and=0A must be cast out so t=
hat we may begin to live in an unmediated and post=0A spectacular world,whe=
re the full range of foods are made directly and readily=0A available to al=
l,irrespective of creed ,colour, income or status and so that=0A no-one eve=
r need go hungry again.The 2nd counter demonstration is planned=0A to occur=
on exactly the same date as any pseudo events.Please bring your=0A punctur=
ed inner tubes to all venues and sites across the country,though be=0A sure=
to leave all repairs to the B-list celeb's and do gooders as they parade=0A=
their virtual humility for all to see..... DON'T LET THEM RELIEVE THEMSELV=
ARAN=0A !=0A
=0A=0ABulletin 3 of the L=
.I. ' 7.99. "For a unification of discourse and=0Aexpression"=0A
=0A 'POS=
TCARDS FROM THE EDGE' is an ongoing,international trawling expedition=0A fo=
cussing on the media's reporting and promotion of national stereotypes=0A a=
imed at -and often utilised by -various sections of society,for political=0A=
purposes (see Britains carefully cultivated enmity toward France and how=
=0A useful it proved recently when it avoided the details of legitimate que=
stioning=0A concerning the B.S.E. crisis,whilst simultaneously rallying an =
intensely=0A euro-skeptical populace to support european legislation ! )Wha=
t we need are=0A superficial,'paper thin characterizations' and 'postcard i=
mages' based on=0A the output of your current country's various conse=
nsus forming machinery=0A (especially the ignorant and crass) and for you t=
o send these along with=0A text or occasional words summarizing its portray=
al of 'britishness'we in=0A turn will do likewise for the country you stipu=
late. ALSO=0A send your randomly (if you believe in that sor=
t of thing ) selected and found=0A photographs of unknown people ,places.pe=
ts and other projections alongside=0A the spontaneous words and phrases tha=
t you dis-associate and re-associate=0A in response to the said image,compl=
iment these attributes by adding some=0A personalia (names.hair,gloves,jewe=
lry etc. ) to create a VIRTUALLY RE-ANIMATED=0A existent/concretion t=
hat redesignates and challenges the nature and=0A origins of a fixed identi=
ty (subjective and objective) allowing possible=0A and partial aspects to d=
evelop independently of conscious control.This=0A detournement -or developm=
ent -of A.O.Spares sleight of mind techniques,can=0A be enlivened further b=
y placing these entities in boxes,facilitating intimate=0A and private real=
ms in which to commune with ones recesses,whilst also providing=0A an erstw=
hile and loyal companion /functional resource as you attempt to negotiate=0A=
the phenominological -ontology that manifests and masquerades all around=
=0A and within.you can send either full or partial pro-creations (note:for =
shared=0A processes send one aspect which in turn will be either immediatel=
y reciprocated=0A or circulated amongst contacts ).For both projects follow=
the 'CONTACT' link=0A for further details.=0A
=0A What follows is the rambling incoherent tract 'BY ANY MEMES NECE=
SSARY'=0A that was randomly disseminated as a consequence of the expulsion =
of a centrist=0A faction within the L.I. whose 'platform' only began to fer=
ment when the=0A privileges enjoyed exclusively by their number were being =
reviewed in a party=0A wide consultation document and after the failure of =
a motion from the floor=0A (including a physical confrontation at a discipl=
inary appeals committe )=0A at our 31st congress. As a result it was =
formally decided to expel=0A the unconstitutionally appointed 'Fedavi=
' section that had so patently shown=0A their unwillingness to adapt to the=
process of change initiated after=0A years in the wilderness under '=
old L. I . Despite desperate and cheap=0A attempts to gain publicity =
and a laughable attempt at refoundation the (=0A now ) re -named O.T.O. con=
tinue to lurch from left to right in an established=0A tradition of opportu=
nism -stink- bombing and gurning in aktions directed=0A at perceived enemie=
s of their self obsessed naivety and its knee jerk=0A reductionism that tog=
ether produce an undialectical,emotionally determined=0A 'agenda'.The docum=
ent was obviously written -and meant to be read -=0A after one =
sacrament to many,but as it continues to be the focuss of=0A their activit=
ies we felt it was important for us to detail =0A - main=
ly for entertainment purposes - the 'organizations' obvious=0A ideolo=
gical confusion and their members delusional fanaticism ... So=0A her=
e it is ! the only communique to date from the 'olfactory terra=0A or=
=0A After our suspension at the treacherous 31st conference,the=
Fedavi=0A within our order heeded the call of G.A.O.T.U.to cast off =
the yoke=0A of bondage,aside our duly elected leadership and break centurie=
s of tradition=0A by severing all ties with the mounting stronghold at Oran=
ianbaum. Henceforth=0A the olfactory terra organisation rejects the folly a=
nd tran-science of=0A revisionism (veiled as re-structuring and modernizati=
on ) as it reeks of=0A betrayal and heresy.In so doing we re-assert our fer=
vent belief in the historical=0A necessity of symbolic culture,its manipula=
tion and our subservience to its=0A dictatorial emphases.Infidels beware th=
e campaign we wage is wholly - irreligious=0A and sacred.By 'invoking' the =
intractable smell that permeates ALL life in=0A death,we are advocating -a-=
sensual engagement and summon the stench bound=0A in grief suffered each d=
ay,that it may taint our every breath !!! .....Come=0A join us in casting o=
ff our clips as we soar ambiviantly,cultivating the authentic=0A and scream=
ing in the shadow of its loss.=0A
=0A=0A =
(Pro -illuminist realism on behalf of lumpens and=0A 'anti-bourgeois'c=
onstructivist form)=0A
=0A In the strict interest of giving fals=
e hope to the desperate and needy=0A we are offering consumers a deliberate=
ly limited range of ' a ' career=0A brokering gimmick -in the i=
ncreasingly popular specialism of the patenting=0A and commercialization of=
concepts and ideas- via the auto destructive glyph=0A entitled=0A<=
=0A We must point out that as Marxist-felonists the spectacle of Met=
zgers=0A folly exists only to serve as a reminder of the redundancy of art =
as a separate=0A and specialized activity with no place outside the domain =
of everyday=0A life.Bearing this in mind we are proud to present a pathetic=
piece of 'G.M.'=0A free non-art reality in a tuppenny bar of soap,crudely =
inscribed with the=0A above pomposity.This once in a lifetime expression of=
an overiding anxiety=0A to preserve meaning before our imminent return to =
monotony,can be yours for=0A the ridiculous price of $50 (cash only) or bet=
ter still why not subvert the=0A whole system of objects by just send=
ing the cash with no expectation=0A of the 'goods'being sent to you (please=
P ALIGN=3DCenter>=0A
=0A *THE HYPER-REAL DEAL : Several tapes and a doc=
umentary provide=0A an all to brief introduction to the o=
ceanographic alchemy of=0A the high priest of his own existence 'Mr S=
tevie Ocean' who exists=0A exclusively for those of you who refuse to=
discriminate between the=0A various modes of knowing - and who believe in =
the neuromantic possibilities=0A beyond the numerical enslavement of a satu=
rday night 6 number tax system=0A - for he serves to remind anyone wit=
hout an allusion regarding their=0A ability to fight that we can still insi=
st upon our right to wear a big hat=0A , walk an existential walk and talk =
a derivative talk ...... In a world full=0A of ignorance,conditional accept=
ance and with a pre-determined , non negotiable=0A route to a -mediated- se=
nse of self worth, Stevie is a living testament to=0A the sub-evolutionary =
pantheon that knows "life will find a way" (whether=0A the means - an=
d transitory definitions -of value,purpose and meaning recognise=0A it or n=
ot) ..... He is in short a liminal avatar of 'artistic' autonomy and=0A the=
all knowing all seeing ' id ' of the ' show ' business. He can be=0A =
contacted at ... No 4 Le Clos des Blanches,St.Clement,Jersey,Channel=0A Isl=
ands.(TELEPHONE:01534-605032 ) or (FAX:+441534-605032).=0A
refer you to the Eli=0A Kebillio documentary 'A hole in the head'=
=0A=0A=0A *COMING SOON:Tabloid transcendenta=
lism with=0A 'Maslow's=0A Prole'=0A
=0A=0A *=
CONTACT: For Further information , projects , photocopy graphics=0A a=
nd merchandise you can e-mail us at...=0A
no copyright 2000 rolux.org - no commercial use without permission. is a
moderated mailing list for the advancement of minor criticism. more information:
mail to: majordomo@rolux.org, subject line: , message body: info. further
questions: mail to: rolux-owner@rolux.org. archive: http://www.rolux.org