________________________________________________________________________________ Here are some links that can help you bring the eToys share value down, and some images to spread around. If you're looking for somewhere else to buy toys online, click here . etoy exile site: Cosmic baseball game: http://www.clark.net/pub/cosmic/etoy_game.html Would you Support the Scrooge? (Buttons, e-mail list, endorsements page, etc.) http://www.eviltoy.com Main Campaign Site http://www.toywar.com Financial Support--much needed http://www.toywar.com/support.php3 DoS tools: http://www.lamtar.com/guest/%5b...%5d/fra/fake_toy toywar resistance network http://members.tripod.com/trnetwork Why Webmasters Should Care http://www.ericbrooks.com/etoys Excellent thoughts from PigDog.com on convincing programmers to quit eToys: http://www.pigdog.org/auto/special_ideas/link/1091.html One hacker who really hates eToys: www.c0ke.com and his latest victim: www.harp-industries.com (mirror here ) More excellent thoughts from PigDog.com: http://www.pigdog.org/auto/special_ideas/shortfeature/1100.html It's Just an 'S'! (source of "eToys sUcks" images) http://www.etoys-sucks.com Electronic Freedom for the Next Generation (letter from above) http://www.lemurzone.com/ edit/opinion.htm Amerikan Justice http://www.hell.com/0/JUSTICE/index.html Toys For Sucker http://etoys.jumpshopping.com A letter to eToys.com http://www.violentnation.com/gallery/threads/index.html eToys - Where great ideas come to you! http://geocities.com/etoys-sucks/ Open Directory http://dmoz.org/Society/Activism/Media_Activism/Culture_Jamming/etoy/ Boycott eToys! (newsgroups) http://www.deja.com/~eviltoy/ Product request, and eToys' response: http://www.one38.org/ Solidarity list (for sit-in): http://www.duke.edu/~arg2/solidarity_list.html Things that make us sick: http://www.secondagenda.com The usual sort of thoughts from Suck.com: http://www.suck.com/daily/99/12/16/daily.html eToys wins prestigious prize: http://realidiots.com Hetoys: http://www.hetoys.com And guess who this is? http://fuck-you.com Please click here for some similar battles. ________________________________________________________________________________ no copyright 1999 rolux.org - no commercial use without permission. is a moderated mailing list for the advancement of minor criticism. more information: mail to: majordomo@rolux.org, subject line: , message body: info. further questions: mail to: rolux-owner@rolux.org. archive: http://www.rolux.org