________________________________________________________________________________ Ccru: Cybernetic culture research unit http://www.ccru.demon.co.uk it@ccru.demon.co.uk Y2k+ datastream 4 KO99 A SCRATCH ON THE VINYL OF HISTORY Hyper-C Instead of celebrating the Year 2000, then, the Cybergoths will be 'chilling out' to the year K-100. This apparently, has brought them into conflict with another ultra-secret web movement called Hyper-C whose chronopolitics are if anything, even more weird than those of the K- goths. Little is known about Hyper-C, but its sporadically-issued Internet communiques celebrate the very return the K-calendar is designed to avoid. 1) Hyper-C's chronopolitics and Y2K Countdown to relapse. In a series of cryptic communications, the aquaassassins of Hyper-C refer to an impending C-Change, combining afroatlantian mutation with time-dissidence. Hyper-C seem to believe that computers have a message for us: there is only one century, that counts from 0 to 99, forever. As Linda Trent has reported, "Hyper-C are another Cargo Cult. . .but the time system they operate with is very different to that of the Cybergoths. As far as I can glean, their basic drift is that computers should not be tampered with; that the Millenium Time-Bomb will explode western chronology. There are many elements in common with so-called 'primitive' time; for instance, the idea that there is only one year." For this hypermodern cargo-cult there has only ever been the Century. One phrase keeps recurring; from [the rap group] Public Enemy: 'Apocalypse been in effect.' Hyper-C treats conventional chronology as "fake time" because as far as they are concerned, life has evolved in cyberspace, and history is simulation (format 1 9) It has developed a sophisticated counter-chronic program, involving an anti-Gregorian Y2K positive occupation of the so- called computer calendar, an engineered reversal of mammalian evolution, and a mystico-materialist critique of sequential causality. As Hyper-C remixer Dj Solaris has put it,"Y2K is merely a scratch on the vinyl of history". The cult's Rite of Return counts down to 99 Rewind the Century (no playback). Hyper-C's time-dissidence means that they associate the implicit century of 2 digit computer dates with the Poseidonic pack (=100), envisaging Y2K- the time bomb in Babylon- as the surface symptom of a submergent call to Centience. The little evidence available suggest that for Hyper-C, the realization of Centience signals the breaking of the Time-Chains. Babylon (capital of fake time) is dragged down into the sea (Bubbamu sinks Babylon). And the audio amphibians of noiz-zion break the mirror and escape to the true century. "Set your clocks to maritime." 2) Hyper-C and Hypersea The name Hyper-C puns on sea and the letter C, connecting the radical biological theory also known as hypersea (which argues that 'life on land' is an extension of the ocean) with words beginning with the letter C such as Century, Cybernetics and Cycle. Some security analysts have traced a similarity between Hyper-C's biostrategy and that of Detroit techno outfit Underground Resistance project of negative evolution. Allegedly, this is not a comparison which Hyper-C would refuse. Biostrategically and sonically, both Hyper-C and UR engage in a weird kind of esoterrorism, multitasking on various level, unwinding the spine while rewinding secret encrypted rhythm patterns. For the Hypersea biological theory, complex life takes the sea beyond the sea, folding it back inside of itself. After the oxygen revolution 2500 billion years ago, in the proterozoic Eon, marine and anaerobic cynobacteria or thermophiles survived in land organisms- land biota carries the sea within it. This challenges conventional evolutionary wisdom which suggests that humans emerged from terrestrial savannah apes. Instead, as Elaine Morgan argues in her research entitled "The Aquatic Ape", the human body bears more amphibious scars. The bacterial passage onto land did not constitute a final terrestrial approach. The shifting of continents has always looped back mammals into the waters and triggered the mutations of the body. As Morgan reminds us, the shift from qaudrupedalism to bipedalisms has more to do with the invasion of the water on land than with the "man the hunter". We were forced to align vertically in order to breath and we have spent centuries living like fishes. This has had major consequences for the human body: the loss of hair, the conjunction of the larynx with the pharynx, the deposit of eggs, the irrelevance of meiotic or reproductive sex, not to mention the fact that the body is 90% water. Some analysts have noted how biology of Hypersea relegates the evolutionary ladder to "fake time". A like UR, the attempt to escape 'fake time' appears to take the form of "negative evolution". But more than this, it actually constitutes the projected dispersal of mammalian organismic integrity; "spinal regression" shatters the illusion of the evolutionary ladder. Referring to the Hyper-C cult or Underground Resistance's genetic strategy as "negative evolution" is therefore an underestimation. Spinal regression, or shattering "fake time" dissolves human security dams allowing the ever present bacterial ocean to flood in. Tapping into the zeroid matrix of the bacterial continuum, the genetic strategies of the Hyper-C cult therefore short-circuit the evolutionary ladder. Rewinding to zero may look like a return to the original terrestrial ape, but it is obvious that the hyper-C cult have never left the ocean. In chronos, negative evolution but in eon, positive involution. There has been much peturbation among security circles regarding Hyper- C's dubmarine warfare. One paranoid report from the Galactic Bureau of Investigation, an agency attempting to eradicate the threat the Hyper-C virus poses to Human security, explains that when spinal regression is achieved "human characteristics begin to fade, [and] the voice becomes unrecognizable." Reputedly, the Bureau has warned all its agents that the C-cult is so virulent that even the mere repetition of C-slogans constituted infection and proliferation. Moreover, the recurrent reptilian and fish imagery, the Bureau advised, should not be interpreted as something merely symbolic. Despite its paranoia, the Bureau has indeed every reason to believe that Hyper-C activists are pursuing all available means to bring about a return to the "icthiophidian flexomotile" spine to navigate more smoothly in tactile virtuality. The most significant reports concerning the Hyper-C cult tell of infiltrations of the audiosphere. It is digitalization that links Hyper-C's approach to biology with their time dissidence and sonology. Just as the computer clock signals for the cult that there has only every been one century, genetic engineering reminds us that there has only ever been aqua-bacterial recombination. And scraps of available evidence underlines that it is digitalization which, in transforming the audiosphere into an ocean of sound, spawns the Hyper-C cult as an elusive pack of noise tacticians. 3) Hyper-C and sonic hydrotactics "From subversion to submersion." The "disassembly of music into sonic machineries "has gone alongside the dissolution of politics into tactics. The aspirational and representational logics of "protest music" have given way to a technics of direct action, in which sound is used as a "neuronic trigger," attacking the organism very directly, opening up defensive membranes to an "acoustic space" of dub viscosity inhabited by secret coded rhythm patterns. "From subversion to submersion." One of the Hyper-C cult's recent outernet communiques was entitled Hydrodemonic polyrhythym mapping out the occult practice of break asymmetrics. This text on audio tactics tracked afroatlantian rhythmic futurism's involutionary trajectory from the full beat of 4/4 funeral marches through the ½ beat of 2/4 towwards the ¼ note of swing, down through the bebop 1/8 note in a convergence with the dub hyperrhythm of recent afrofuturist audio war of the 1990s. Accordingly hyper-dub is described as subbass fiction increasingly suggesting parallels with the: the Hardcore, the Jungle, the Drexciyan Techno and the bump'n'switch of 2step garage and R&B.mapped in Kodwo Eshun's dub sonology. The sketches illustrate a vast vortical assemblage diagrammed by the period doubling of break involution suggests that the affective potential of the Black Atlantic consists of the multi-scalar rhythmic composition of turbulence- the art of war in the art of noise. Elusive remixer of retrieved Hyper-c sounds, Dj Solaris, was recently netted for an interview at the MP3 Summit in San Diego. Attending the virus warfare panel featuring Ice-T, Dj Solaris was probed into communication. "What we have always been interested in is digital accidents, with following software bugs as generative events. . .the Hyper-C strategy revolves around the relation between glitches and loops. Y2K is just a scratch on the vinyl of history. Scratching opens a line out of "fake time"- a line into the looping century. The one century cycles but the intensity varies. The rewind from 99 to 00 opens the space into which Hyper-C drains." Hyper-C's tactical innovations relate to designing audiospheric system turbulence. Dj Solaris continues: "Basically we hunt down the time interval of the glitch and then inhabit it. . .we populate it with sonic elements so that the whole continuum, from the minute apex of the glitch itself, to the extended spiralling assemblage which cascades (from bass, to rhythm, to voice fragments) is swept around by an abstract whirlpool. . .hence we term ourselves as neo-vorticists." "Sonic turbulence", Solaris explained, "connects Hyper-C breakbeat science to a chronopolitics of cyclic discontinuity. The strategy which emerges from this convergence treats Y2K as a time bomb which blows open the linear trajectory of the Gregorian calendar; we call it a scratch on the vinyl of history; the effect is one of time loops whereby it become obvious that there has only ever been one century starting at 00, reaching 99 and then returning to zero. Within the loop, the break is camouflaged with the bpm metric as Y2K is camouflaged by Gregorian continuity. Rewind the century, no playback. 00 Set your clocks to maritime. -- ccru via katasonix # distributed via : no commercial use without permission # is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: majordomo@bbs.thing.net and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@bbs.thing.net ________________________________________________________________________________ no copyright 1999 rolux.org - no commercial use without permission. is a moderated mailing list for the advancement of minor criticism. more information: mail to: majordomo@rolux.org, subject line: , message body: info. further questions: mail to: rolux-owner@rolux.org. archive: http://www.rolux.org