********************** jean.seberg *********************** //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Mars Attacks Danke, Nato. Danke, große kleine Schriftsteller, von García Márquez zu Günter Grass, von Kenzaburo Oe zum Subkommandanten Marcos, für Euer Nichtschreiben. Danke, Papst im Vatikan, für Dein weißes, selig sprechendes Schweigen. Ein großer Schritt für die Menschheit. Und doch heißt für diejenigen auf unserem Planeten Erde, die noch nicht zu den Marsmenschen und anderen Grünen Killern mutiert sind, ab dem 24. März 1999 das Vater- und Mutterland Serbien. Montenegro. Republika Srpska. Jugoslawien. Mars Attacks, und seit Mars attackiert, heißt die ganze Erde Jugoslawien. Mars attackiert, und während Mars attackiert, sind Helsinki, Madrid, Palermo, Algiers, Dar-es-Salaam ("Haus des Friedens"), Jerusalem, Jericho, Bagdad, sogar London und Paris, sogar Berlin und Washington D. C. Teil von Jugoslawien. Dobar dan, Jugoslavija! Auf Nimmer-wiedersehen, Europa. Amerika den Indianern. Marsmenschen auf den Mars. Peter Handke, 30. März 1999, im Morgenlärm des Militärflughafens Villacouble bei Paris //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Mars Attacks Thank you, NATO. Thank you, great small writers, from Garcia Marques to Guenter Grass, from Kenzaburo Oe to Subcommander Marcos, for things you didn't write. Thank you, Holy Father in the Vatican, for your white, beatifying silence. A great step for mankind. But for all those on our Planet Earth who haven't mutated into marsians and other green butchers yet, their homeland, since March 24th 1999, is named Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Srpska, Yugoslavia. Mars attacks, and with the beginning of the marsian attacks, the whole Planet Earth's name is Yugoslavia, and for the time of the marsian attacks, Helsinki, Madrid, Algier, Dar-es-Salaam ("House of Peace"), Jerusalem, Jeriho, Baghdad, even London and Paris, even Berlin and Washington D.C. will be part of Yugoslavia. Dobar dan, Jugoslavija! Goodbye forever, Europe. America to the Indians. Marsians to Mars. Peter Handke, March 30th, 1999, from morning noise of air force airport Villacouble near Paris //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Well, good morning, people! It's 06:13 am here in Belgrade and few minutes earlier sirens announced the end of tonight's air-raid. I don't know how will charming anchors on CNN and BBC present what happened here, but here's what I experianced... I was sleeping until around 02:20 am, when ROARING sound of airplane flying over woke me up! It was just like in the film: ssssshhhhhiiiiiooooossssshhhhh... [small silence] BOOOOOOOOOM! That moment I jumped from my bed and felt that whole building was shaking (like it's at least 5 Richter scale earthquake). After that explosion I could see only a dense cloud of white smoke growing some 3 kms from my house. I found out later that I was wrong - it was only about 1 km far from my building and guess what was hit? One whole civilian block of houses on a crossing between Maksima Gorkog and Maruliceva street was TOTALLY DEVASTATED! I live in this part of Belgrade more than 12 years and trust me: THERE ARE NO MILITARY OBJECTS IN A CIRCLE OF AT LEAST 4 kms FROM THAT PLACE! There are no reports on casualties yet, but it's hard to believe that there were no people at the time of strike in the buildings. Couple minutes later I heard another plane flying over. Again that shwoosh-boom sound and again and again. This time the Army HQ in Kneza Milosa street (which is situated in Belgrade's very center) was hit. So far, three people were killed on the spot in that attack: one policeman working as a night guard of the building of Serbian Government (accross the street) and two young guys in a car waiting on a semaphore in front Army HQ building. BTW, that building was always used for administrative army purposes and was completely empty since this war started. In the time of attack, it was surely not some kind of active command center... Around 03:10 am both radio and TV Studio B went off the air. Later I heard a news that NATO hit the transmitter of this TV, totally independent from Milosevic's power structure. In fact, that was the only news station Belgraders could somehow trust. Luckily, Studio B has more than one transmitter and it's alive again... how long it will last - I don't know... // // Just before the dawn, when I thought // that party was finally over for tonight, // Belgrade survived GODDAMNED earthquake! // No joke! According to radio news it was // a 5.5 Richter scale earthquake! // // GODDAMNIT, is there anything else that // can strike on us?!? Maybe a vulcano // eruption or tsunami or some bloody // Godzila?!? // So, I while I'm writing this mail by the open window, breathing air smelling like wood burning, I'm hearing a news on a radio about USA sending here some 10 more B-52s NOT equipped with cruise missile launching system. That means - A BLOODY CARPET BOMBING like in WW2 or in Vietnam! Oh boy, it WILL be a MAY-day soon! Over and out, Slobodan Markovic Belgrade, April 30th, 1999 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ******************************************************************************** ROLUX h0444wol@rz.hu-berlin.de http://www2.hu-berlin.de/~h0444wol/rolux/